Quality Early Childhood Development in South Africa:
A Call to Action
27 - 29 September 2023

College of Cape Town
Crawford Campus
174 Kromboom Road, Crawford, Cape Town
The Conference
Effective ECD programmes
Bridging the divide for quality ECD (policy, research and practice)
ECD leadership and management
ECD causes and calls for action
The Centre for Early Childhood Development (CECD) in partnership with the College of Cape Town (CCT), Crawford Campus and the South African Research Association for Early Childhood Education (SARAECE) is hosting our national ‘Quality Early Childhood Development in South Africa: A Call to Action’ Conference. The conference will take place from 27 - 29 September 2023 in Cape Town. This conference aims to connect stakeholders, share knowledge and information, inspire engagement and act for quality ECD in South Africa.
This conference is limited to 200 delegates.
We are inviting ECD principals and teachers, ECD activists, NPOs, TVET colleges, academics, researchers, education department officials and staff, as well as donors, to attend and to contribute.
The conference will cover the following themes:
Conference Details
Date: 27-29 September 2023
Venue: College of Cape Town, Crawford Campus
174 Kromboom Road,
Crawford, Cape Town
Please click to see a map to the venue.
Conference fees:
Early bird registration: R2,500 (deadline: 30 June 2023)
Full registration: R3,000 (deadline: 13 September 2023)
ECD centre practitioners: R2,200
Students: R2,000
SARAECE members: R2,200
Conference fees payment:
Once you have submitted your registration form, you will be sent an invoice. Please do not deposit fees into the bank account without first completing a registration form and receiving an invoice.
To register, please click on the button below:

Meet some of our presenters

Prof. Nuraan Davids
Professor of Philosophy of Education
Stellenbosch University
Dr. Sigamoney Naicker
WCED: Chief Director Inclusive Education
Prof. Hasina Ebrahim
UNESCO Co-chair in EECD & UNISA: Department of ECE Professor
Tracey Chambers
CEO and Co-Founder
Ntjantja Ned
Hollard Foundation Trust: CEO

Dr. Xolisa Guzula
Senior Lecturer in Applied Language and Literacy Studies
University of Cape Town
Linda Biersteker
ECD Specialist and Researcher
Dr Janeli Kotze
Sonja Giese
Acting Director for Early Childhood Development: Department of Basic Education
Executive Director and Founder:
Dr. Nicholas Dowdall
Programme Specialist: The LEGO Foundation

Mmatsetshweu Ruby Motaung
Director: Training & Resources in Early Education
Elisabeth van Wyk
Founding Director:
The Helix Collective
Yusrah Ehrenreich
Advocacy & Social Justice Manager: Centre for Early Childhood Development

Theodora Lutuli
Principal & Director: Khanyisa Nursery and Inkwenkwezi Educare

Conference Programme & Abstract Book
Call for Presentations
The conference calls for presentations that align with the themes of effective ECD programmes, bridging the divide for quality ECD (policy, research and practice), ECD leadership and management, and ECD causes and calls for action.
Instructions to those who wish to present at the conference:
Individuals wishing to present at the conference can do so in three ways:
You can submit an abstract to present during a breakaway session on one of the themes;
Submit a synopsis to take part in our ‘Khawuleza’ event;
You can submit for both!
Our ‘Khawuleza’ event (meaning “Go quick!” in isiXhosa), taking place on day 1 of the conference includes ten presentations of six minutes each. This event is a good way to showcase the work you do and other initiatives, in a fun and lively manner.
ECD issues which could highlight the themes include the following examples:
Advocacy and social justice
Registration processes for ECD & partial care facilities
ECD funding
Best practices in ECD
Monitoring and evaluation
Policy, legislation, research and practice
Governance (for example the shift from Department of Social Development to Department of Basic Education)
Leadership and management of ECD centre and organisations
Fathers and family involvement
Presentation submission deadline: 10 July 2023
To submit your abstract or synopsis, please click on the button below:

The Organisers
The Centre for Early Childhood Development is a non-profit organisation committed to putting young children first by ensuring quality early childhood development for our country’s youngest citizens.
We provide training, resources and support in the field of early childhood development, enhancing individual and organisation capacity; we develop and disseminate resources; and we carry out research specifically related to the African context.
Our Partners
South African Research Association for Early Childhood Education (SARAECE) is a research association that promotes research and research development in the field of early childhood education (ECE), including teacher education and development for ECE. Research is aimed at providing improved teacher education and training in higher education institutions as well as providing mentorship, support and guidance to teachers and practitioners in the field of early childhood development.
The College of Cape Town is the oldest Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College under the auspices of
the Department of Higher Education & Training – and is one of the largest in South Africa. The College of Cape Town provides a range of quality vocational education and training programmes, and works hard at creating an environment that is conducive to learning, offering facilities that are world class and easily accessible.

City of Cape Town's Executive Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis recorded a wonderful welcome speech for all delegates at our conference, "Quality Early Childhood Development in South Africa: A Call to Action". If you are interested in knowing how the mayor of Cape Town views ECD - this is definitely worth watching!
Contact Us
Get in touch with us to learn more about the conference and if you have any queries.
